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INSIGHTS: The good worker profile Print Email
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Wednesday, 10 March 2010 09:15 AM America/New_York
by Terri Williams

Church bookstore managers should look for specific skills and abilities in their potential volunteers and paid staff. Here are some criteria for your search:

Teachable spirit: These individuals tend to have a very positive attitude and are eager to learn. Some of the best staff members in our bookstore began with little or no experience; they simply had the right attitude and became very proficient once they were given the opportunity to apply their training.

Even if an individual has a Ph.D. in retail, he or she will be a detriment to your store if they are not willing to learn or be trained.

Customer-conscious: This person is consistently willing to help customers, and even willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to meet customer needs. This employee has an outgoing personality, a smile on his or her face, and is friendly and courteous.

When customers enter the store, they typically will not have to look for a clerk to assist them, as this worker is alert and makes contact with them within their first few minutes in the store. However, a little too much enthusiasm can be a turnoff to your customers. Some people like to be acknowledged when they walk into a store, but prefer to be left alone until they request further assistance.

Trained in ministry: There is a strong possibility that your employees may need to minister to an unbeliever, answer customer questions regarding reference materials and, of course, sell a Bible or two each week.

Although you cannot require a new hire to have a biblical studies degree or to take certain seminary classes to be considered for the position, you can make their past spiritual training an important consideration when hiring them. Our store's past experiences have shown that seminarians and laypersons with some spiritual training serve only to enhance customer service.

Committed: One of the most critical attributes to look for in potential employees is their commitment to the mission and goals of your ministry and store. Whether sales are slow or thriving, committed individuals can be counted on to offer support and perform at their best.

-Terri Williams has been the manager of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship's bookstore in Dallas for more than 10 years.

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