Written by Ann Voskamp
Posted on 17 January 2025
Tabitha Panariso is deeply committed to offering more than just pithy platitudes to cover our suffering. As someone who’s traversed the darkness of rejection and abandonment, she grew tired of quick fixes that allowed her to avoid her pain and instead, learned to look for a steady hand to guide her through it. That hand belonged to Christ, who invited her to see rejection not as an end – but as merely a beginning. And, through Christ, was able to find healing, wholeness, and unrelenting courage to continue to love those who inevitably would disappoint and fail her. It’s a joy to welcome Tabitha to the farm’s table today… Guest Post by Tabitha Panariso The tendons in the backs of my legs groan and buckle under the weight of my expectations. I can feel every ache of my body as I run on our cheap treadmill in our unfinished basement. Anxiety bubbles under the surface of each loud breath I take. Is my body capable of this? My arms feel heavy as I move them up and down. I feel weak. This task I signed myself up for seems impossible. We’re deep in the throes of a Colorado winter. Sometime at […]