Christian Retailing

GENI: Waiting to welcome you Print Email
Written by Staff   
Wednesday, 10 February 2010 10:18 AM America/New_York

A message from Geni Hulsey, president of the Church Bookstore Network:

The latest edition of the Christian Retailing Update electronic newsletter this week reminded me that there were only 70 days left until The Gathering 2010 in Louisville, Ky. The countdown has well and truly begun-have you registered yet?

Right now, Louisville is digging out from under a huge snowstorm. But in just under 70 days, spring will be in full bloom with honeysuckle and dogwood brightening what are now snow-covered hills and valleys. The city will be getting ready to celebrate the biggest event of the yea—The Kentucky Derby. As you drive by the horse farms in the area, the colts will be kicking up their heels as they run through the bluegrass.

Also, in just 10 short weeks, Southeast Christian Church will roll out the red carpet for all of us who will attend The Gathering. You are going to be awed by the wonderful facility that God has provided for this body of believers—and humbled by the way every inch has been dedicated to the glory of the Father.

But, more importantly, you are going to be wrapped in the warmth of the people—volunteers and paid staff—who make up Southeast Christian Church.

Once there, you will find classes that will better enable you to do the job God has called you to do. This year we have concentrated on classes that will help you add value to the shopping experience in your store.

One of the classes will address the never-ending process of merchandising the products that we carry, while another will not just talk, but will demonstrate added services like gift baskets and gift wrap. A very important session will address the dilemma most all of us deal with, staff communication-how to get your staff fully engaged in using and promoting your store.

Tuesday, April 20, the day prior to The Gathering, will be dedicated to training for those who are in the process of opening a church store or have just opened one. If you have never been to a new managers' school, you will want to plan to attend these sessions.

All of the basics will be addressed, beginning with the purpose for the store along with mission statement, budget, layout and inventory selection. Building a good foundation for your store will give it strength and a greater chance to survive in a difficult economy.

The Gathering will also include wonderful worship times, prayer for our industry and an autograph party at which you will get to meet some of your favorite authors and artists.

Some of the most valuable times will be when you are able to sit and have a soda or a cup of coffee with other church bookstore managers and staff in an informal setting, just sharing concerns and ideas. Many of the comments we get from attendees year after year are about how encouraging it was for them to realize there were others out there with the same issues, the same frustrations.

It is so easy for a church store to isolate itself from the rest of the industry. Many of our megachurches are independent of any denomination, which can make their stores feel as though they do not need the connection with any support organization. While there is no doubt that each church store operates according to the purposes and regulations of the church in which it exists, there are retail lessons that we all must learn in order to carry out the mission directed by our church.

That is where The Gathering comes into play. We are there to train you, encourage you and give you an opportunity to see product that is appropriate for your store.

I know the economy has been rough this year. I also know it is difficult to get away from a church store for lack of personnel. But I also know that this is an event that is planned for your good and God's glory and that your store will be stronger for your having been there.

We have made it possible for you to receive a free registration-which covers all of your classes and meals except breakfast—by simply visiting the Christian Retailing Virtual Christian Restock Connection and purchasing a mere $500 (retail) from one of the vendors there. You can find out more at

We work very hard to minimize your expenses, understanding that travel dollars are tight. But just as your pastor and religious education ministers need training in order to carry on their calling, so do you. And that is why we do what we do.

This is your event, planned just for you. My greatest joy will be to be at the front door of Southeast Christian Church with a welcome just for you.