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CHURCH LIFE: Giving down, tithing steady Print Email
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Wednesday, 10 February 2010 09:46 AM America/New_York

Many Americans appear to be significantly cutting back on charitable giving in order to adjust to the downturn. A recent Barna Group study found half of all adults (48%) said they had reduced their giving to nonprofit organizations—excluding churches and houses of worship—in the last three months.

Churches were slightly less likely to be affected, but were certainly not immune to cutbacks—three out of 10 Americans had dropped their level of support to churches and congregations (29%) in recent months.

Compared to a similar Barna study conducted in the fourth quarter of 2008, when the economy began to plummet, there has been a 58% increase in the percentage of Americans who have curtailed their recent giving to nonprofits and a 45% increase in the proportion that have reduced their donations to churches.

While many church donors have been able to maintain their typical level of donations, those who have cut back have dropped their giving substantially. Nearly one-quarter of church donors said they had reduced contributions by 20% or more. That compares with just one-tenth who had done so in the first few months of the crisis.

Tithing has remained fairly constant, however. Overall, 7% of all adults reported donation levels equaling at least 10% of their income—roughly the same level that has been found since the beginning of the decade. Those over the age of 45 (9%) were nearly twice as likely as those under the age (5%) to tithe.

The survey results suggested that "church and nonprofit leaders should prepare for another lean year," commented David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group. "Response to this reality suggests avoiding high-risk and untested fund-raising efforts and communicating effectively with constituents. In addition, consider proactive financial management, including adjusting income expectations."

Source: The Barna Group

-To read the full report, click here.