Christian Retailing

REGIONAL REPORT: Recharging in Texas Print Email
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Thursday, 27 August 2009 12:26 PM America/New_York

by Bobby Williams

Refreshed and renewed--that was the theme of our day at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, Aug. 20, and we walked away with renewed passion for what we do and refreshed for the day-in, day-out task that is running a church bookstore and coffee bar.

We had an incredible turnout, with 50 people in attendance-12 for our coffee bar meeting and 38 for the bookstore meeting. We started our day with a time of worship led by Gateway worship leader Tom Davis. Then our devotion was lead by Gateway pastor Joe Oakley from Grace Fellowship Church in Grand Prairie, Texas, who formerly worked for Family Christian Stores. He reminded us that we are "equippers" through our bookstores.

After this, we divided into bookstore and coffee bar attendees. For the bookstore meeting, we had four vendors: Karen Bilbrey (STL Distribution) taught on "How to Buy, "giving practical advice on buying and watching turns in the store. Roger Green from Integriteam Gift Marketing talked about the importance and ministry of gifts.

Barney Paradise and Greg Knake from Design Identity gave some merchandising and store layout tips. Troy Hurst from The Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group brought author Leigh McLeroy (whose new book, Treasured: Knowing God by the Things He Keeps, releases Sept. 15 from WaterBrook Press), who talked more on the theme of being refreshed and renewed. She inspired and encouraged us with her words.

We then had a Q&A time and discussed a wide variety of topics. Geni Hulsey, president of the Church Bookstore Network, finished the day by talking about the Network's online forum and Christian Retailing's Virtual Christian Retailing Show. We closed the day in prayer.

-Bobby Williams is director of resource ministries for Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, and regional director of the Church Bookstore Network for Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.