Christian Retailing

GENI: The fruit of fellowship Print Email
Written by Staff   
Friday, 17 July 2009 12:01 PM America/New_York
A message from Geni Hulsey, president of the Church Bookstore Network:

Fellowship, koinonia, sharing. These are all words that come to mind as I think back on this last week, having been at CBA's International Christian Retail Show in Denver.

There were workshops in which we learned better ways to do what we do, worship times to refresh our spirits, and opportunities to see and hear about all of the products that are available to us as retailers. And it was all wrapped in fellowship.

On a daily basis we go about our jobs, solving problems, managing our stores as best we know how-but there is something special about being with others who understand what you do and why you do it.
We find out we are not the only ones who cannot figure out all that our P.O.S. systems will do, or who have to deal with difficult customers or don't have enough space for all we would like to do in our stores. We laugh together about the funny things that happen in our stores. And we pray together for one another's families, stores and churches.

Time and again in the scripture we see Jesus fellowshipping with others. He laughed, wept and just sat around talking with a few guys or a crowd of dinner guests.

In the Church Bookstore Network, we believe that fellowship is a vital part of our mission. If we come together in small groups or large, we can learn from one another, draw strength from one another and know that we do not stand alone in the ministry to which God has called us.

Through the network we provide local, regional and national meetings so that you might experience the sort of fellowship that I have enjoyed this week. Many of our metropolitan-area church stores get together every few months; if something like this is not happening in your area, maybe you can be the one to cause it to happen!

The network has 10 regional directors-see our Web site,, and click on "network"-who sponsor events at least twice a year for church bookstores in the several states they represent. It is always a goal of these meetings to educate you and introduce you to new product, but the most important goal is fellowship.

One of the greatest opportunities we as church bookstores have for fellowship is the annual Gathering, sponsored by Christian Retailing and The Church Bookstore magazines. Stores from all over the country come together to learn from and to encourage one another.

We are excited to announce that the next Gathering will be in Louisville, Ky., April 21-23, 2010. More details will follow soon, but now is the time to begin planning to be a part of this special event.

Yes, budgets are tight and travel is limited, but fellowshipping with others of like mind is vital in all that we do. So now is the time to budget both time and money to refresh your spirit, renew your mind and fellowship with others.

Paul admonished the Christians in the New Testament not to forsake their meeting together-neither should we.