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INSIGHTS: Book clubs Print Email
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Thursday, 04 June 2009 12:01 PM America/New_York

by Jessica Chappell

Book clubs can be an effective way of building repeat traffic and sales. Consider:

- Book clubs help you build relationships with your customers.

A majority of book-club participants choose to read fiction books. Since fiction readers are typically your most frequent and loyal customers, these clubs give you an opportunity to establish relationships with them when they come in to purchase their new titles.

Once they're in your store, you also have an opportunity to introduce them to new products.

- Book clubs help customers build lasting relationships.

As a woman, I can tell you that relationships are important to us. Since numerous studies have revealed that women are the main bookstore consumers and that more than half of them read fiction, you have the potential to reach a large majority of your congregation by introducing book clubs.

- Book clubs are a non-threatening way to reach the unchurched.

Some people who didn't grow up in the church will join a book club simply because they enjoy the social aspects of the group-especially if a friend has asked them to join.

The club allows nonbelievers to fellowship with believers and introduces them to Christianity in a non-threatening way. They may even become interested in the faith of their fellow readers and of characters in the books.

- Book clubs promote spiritual growth.

As your customers grow spiritually, they may visit other sections of your store. You then will have the privilege of helping them find the right resources for wherever they are in their faith walk at that time.

- Book clubs can support your bottom line.

Let's say your store services only one 10-member book group a year, and the club reads one book a month at an average of $10 per book. In this case, you'll ring up an additional $1,200 in sales for the year.

Jessica Chappell is brand manager for Think Books at NavPress.

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