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Max Lucado offers message of hope at ICRS Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Monday, 24 June 2013 12:10 AM America/New_York

"Can't God do for you what He did for Joseph?" Author Max Lucado's question resonated with attendees at the International Christian Retail Show's Worship Him service Sunday night at the International Christian Retail Show (ICRS) as he spoke on the topic of his latest book, You'll Get Through This (Thomas Nelson).

Lucado encouraged those involved in the Christian products industry to "keep God in the middle" of their trials, urging them to lay claim to the nearness of God, cling to His character and lean on God's people.

Steven Curtis Chapman and Laura Story both shared from their personal hardships and testified of God's care in their lives. Chapman, who sang a new song called "Together," which he wrote for his wife, Mary Beth, said he was "walking proof of God's faithfulness" and thanked retailers and those they encouraged to pray for his family in the tragic loss of his daughter Maria five years ago. Story talked of her husband's disability and of raising a young child, singing a song about "just being me" and allowing God to be God instead of trying to play God.

The service ended with an announcement of CBA's partnership with Max Lucado and the Salvation Army, getting Lucado's book into the hands of those who are down and out and who need its message of hope. A special Salvation Army edition will be offered. A Ministry in Action offering was also received for Humanitri, a Lutheran organization serving the homeless and incarcerated.