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Trinity Cross Collection born out of founder’s personal struggle Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Wednesday, 19 February 2014 04:59 PM America/New_York

TrinityCross-web2Coleen Rossi’s Trinity Cross Collection is available in 2,200 stores across the country, but it took the founder’s walking through some hard times before achieving that success.

The Arizona-based single mom of four boys believed that God was directing her to bring the Trinity Cross pendant design to market when she encountered the artist who made it, but it took her two years to respond to God’s call. When she began to exercise what she calls “a little bit of faith,” God blessed her well beyond her expectations.

When Rossi’s son Brian was involved in a serious accident that resulted in severe brain injuries, Rossi held onto the Trinity Cross, which served as a reminder of her faith. After Brian recovered, she shared her story and her family challenges with her community. It was then that people began to connect the Trinity Cross and its meaning to their own life experiences, and as a result, she received a flood of stories of faith.

Retailing for $25.99, the Trinity Cross is a three-part cross pendant with 12 crystals handset in a nickel-free, polished rhodium base. The pendant is hung on an 18-inch plus 3-inch extension stainless steel chain with a lobster clasp. Each has a different color of stone and sentiment related to themes including Kindness, Courage, Hope and Faith.

All assembly work on the jewelry is done in the U.S. The company works out of a vocational center for autistic adults.

To learn more about Rossi and the other products in the Trinity Cross Collection, visit