Christian Retailing

Comic Book/Christian Retail Community Print Email
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Monday, 16 February 2009 12:00 AM America/New_York
Christian stores and comic book shops cater to two different markets, but can something be learned from the success of one Seattle-area comic book retail business? In this article, (, The Seattle Times profiles the business Comic Stop's expansion to three stores and highlights the spirit of “community” in the store.

From the article:

"A customer will come in and ask, 'Who do you think would win a fight between Superman and Thor?' And I'm like, 'Hey, yeah, I'll have that conversation with you!' " Demonakos said.

"You don't go into a clothing store and say, 'Now talk to me about Giorgio Armani,' " Byers said, building on Demonakos' point. "We have some people who want to talk about comics all day. Our sense of family is much greater."

Although the two businesses are different, are there still Christian retail customers looking to have a conversation with bookstore staff about inspirational products?


Having grown up as a customer of both, I can say the stores I gravitated toward were the ones that were characterized by a spirit of family, where the atmosphere was much different than an average general market bookstore. I loved to go in and ask the “comic book guy” what he thought of the new X-Men or the Christian bookstore worker when the new Petra was releasing and has he heard if it will be as good as This Means War!? Store workers who not only tolerated but encouraged my observations helped me feel at home.

'The Shack' author visits 'Good Morning America' Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Friday, 13 February 2009 04:50 PM America/New_York

William Paul Young, author of the paradigm-shifting best-seller The Shack (Windblown Media/Hachette Book Group), got some prime time recently on ABC’s Good Morning America. Interviewer Robin Roberts seemed personally pleased with the success of Young’s novel and affirmed in their conversation that “God knows all.”


Having sold more than 6 million copies, The Shack prompted testimonies sent to ABC’s Web site, three which were aired, including a woman learning to grieve her son who committed suicide.


“I think it asks the questions that we’ve been wanting to talk about for a long time,” Young said of his novel. “It’s almost like it’s given a language to people to have conversations with.”


Young’s current project is his autobiography, which his wife—who prompted him to write The Shack—has encouraged him to do.


Truly, The Shack can be paradigm-shifting in terms of how readers view God, but I wonder how much of a best-seller it would be if God were not a large African-American woman, a carpenter and an ethereal Asian spirit rolled into one?


Watch the interview on the Good Morning America Web site.


'American Idol' finalist Mandisa visits 'Christian Retailing' offices Print Email
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Friday, 13 February 2009 11:42 AM America/New_York

The Christian Retailing (CR) team had the privilege of welcoming Mandisa, a season five American Idol finalist and GRAMMY nominee, to our office in Orlando, Fla., on Thursday, Feb. 12. Here she is pictured with two of the CR team, Assistant Editor (Books) DeWayne Hamby and Managing Editor Christine Johnson.

Mandisa was in town for the grand premiere of the American Idol Experience attraction opening at Disney's Hollywood Studios. The premiere was the largest American Idol gathering to-date, attended by two-dozen Idol stars, including the seven winners of the series. The attraction opens to the public on Saturday, Feb. 14.
Mandisa is slated to release her new CD, Freedom (Sparrow Records/EMI CMG Distribution), on March 24th. For more information on how to order, visit EMI CMG's Web site.
Contest: Free GPS from Whitaker House Print Email
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Friday, 13 February 2009 12:00 AM America/New_York
Who doesn't love a giveaway? I'm not a frequent winner but when I did get a new DVD player at a record company media breakfast around 10 years ago, I nearly wept (and stopped by the store to pick up some movies). The cool thing about the contests is that, sooner or later, somone is going to win -  at least that's what my mom told me when I was licking all those stamps to send back in for our annual Publisher's Clearing House entries.
To promote the new book Significant Living: A Road Map for the Second Half of Your Life by Jerry & Shirley Rose, Whitaker House has unveiled an online contest to win a Tomtom XL GPS personal navigator (a value of $299). At, readers can find out more about the book, arriving in stores April 7, written by the hosts of the television program Significant Living, and register to win.The book will retail for $19.99.
Religious books sales up Print Email
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Thursday, 12 February 2009 12:17 PM America/New_York
Some positive news, it seems, for Christian publishers. Religious book sales were up 3.5% in December, according to figures from the Association of American Publishers (AAP) released today. That rise came as the adult hardcover category dropped 10%.

Some of the growth can doubtless be attributed to the Christmas season, but it also may be evidence of the belief held by many in the Christian products industry that in tough times people are more inclined to look for spiritual help.

We've been talking to Christian stores across the country about their experiences with consumers in the past few weeks, and will be reporting on what we learned soon. Meanwhile, to find more of the AAP details, go to

'Fireproof' deals for Valentine's Day Print Email
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Wednesday, 11 February 2009 02:17 PM America/New_York
Christian Retail Offers for the week of Feb. 9

No surprise that Fireproof features in the offers, as Valentine's Day draws closer.

Parable stores offer the hit movie for $19.97 (regular price, $24.99), while slashing 35% off the price of the deluxe edition of the companion book, The Love Dare, available online for $22.99.

The Parable promotion also offers "more ways to fireproof your marriage," including discounts on the Fireproof Your Marriage curriculum. There is also an offer for The Love Dare Bible Study Member Book, which releases next month. It can be pre-ordered for $9.75.

Family Christian Stores features Fireproof for $19.99 in a "Let Love Flourish" mailing that includes a coupon for a free DaySpring greeting card valued up to $2.50. Family also promotes WillowTree figurines and the new Circle of Love gift line including miniature cross, decorative plate and candle, each for $7.97.
Author Mary DeMuth helps others face family secrets Print Email
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Wednesday, 11 February 2009 09:11 AM America/New_York
Marriage and family issues writer and novelist Mary DeMuth hasn't stopped at addressing the sometimes painful legacy of family secrets in fictional form in her forthcoming Daisy Chain (Zondervan, March 1).

The one-time missionary to France, now based in Texas, has launched a Web site,, where people are invited to post their own real-life family secrets as a step towards healing.

Early anonymous posters have written movingly about the pain of sexual abuse, financial troubles, affairs and drugs. DeMuth responds with a note of encouragement to each and plans to add a weekly testimony from those who have experienced healing as a result of facing long-avoided difficulties in their upbringing.

Her hope is that writing openly, even though they do not identify themselves, will encourage contributors to try to find someone with whom to talk through their difficulties.

“God heals us in many ways, but it is hard to get healing when you are walking in darkness,” she said, believing that the new Web site could be “the first little pinprick of light in the midst of darkness.”

DeMuth became a Christian as a teenager after a childhood that included rape and bereavement. She has authored five books, with three more titles following Daisy Chain in the next year.
Exclusive Online Q&A - Stephen Mansfield Print Email
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Tuesday, 10 February 2009 11:27 AM America/New_York
On business, church hurts, The Faith of Barack Obama and faith in politics

You have two books that you're currently working for two publishers and one is a profile of the Guinness company?

Yes. I had been coming out of the political season and a lot of debates, thinking about the founding fathers vision of society and so I began to think a lot about what was in society, like corporate scandals, the election. I have always been intrigued by the Guinness family, which was a strongly Christian family, (they) funded the gospel around the world. I don't know if you know that in the old city of Jerusalem, there's only one Protestant church, it's called Christ Church and it's Episcopal. Guinness money built it. I could go on and on and on.

The other thing is Guinness as a company is unbelievable in taking care of its people. For example, just an aside here, I have a book from the 1920s where they describe the fact that they had doctors on call 24 hours a day for their employees and dentists and clinics. Massages, every other kind of thing. This is in the 1920s, now, in the time of the Great Depression.

What I thought I would do is to write a very unusual history, not even a history but a meditation, a look at Guinness and its heritage and going through three or four themes at once. One is the values of a Christian company. How really do you build a company on a faith basis? Second of all, the transmission of that down through the generations. We all know that you can have a strong family of faith in one generation and the next generation, some of them are living like devils. How does that happen? Then I wanted to talk about the beer, but not so much as 'hey, let's all go have a drink.' I don't even drink beer. But more from the standpoint of how it's powered civilization. There's a whole theory out there now that beer may have actually been behind a lot of the early innovations, once people developed the idea of beer. There are three or four things – faith, faith undergirding a company, faith transmitted down through a corporate line and of course, I also wanted it to be a book about business – how a company takes care of its employees and prospers as a result. That's why I'm writing that book. It's part of Thomas Nelson business line.

What's the other book?

The one that's distinctly Christian book is one I'm doing for Tyndale House. That book is about believers getting over their hurt and offense with the church. I pastored for 20 years, had a great experience and for some reason, I've been called into help with all types of situations where there have been church splits and Ted Haggard-type situations. And I've had years and years of experience watching people or the church have to fire the pastor who had an affair, how to bring the new guy in, how do they be gracious, or whatever. The humorous title is Aint No Church Like a Church Hurt? But that's not going to be the actual title. I'm writing from the perspective of - we're losing a lot of great people with their offense with the church, their painful and hurtful wounding experiences in church – we need these people back more than ever, so let me talk bluntly to them about how they can be restored. And also some wisdom for the church as to how not to be an abuse factory. Gritty, down and dirty, hard-hitting, kind of a Blue Like Jazz approach. It's obviously something very needed. There's a lot of anti-church, 'we don't need religion' kind of thing, especially among the young. Maybe my perspective is skewed because I work in Washington and Nashville, but I see a lot of floating mass of wounded humanity out there that we need to get plugged back in and help us change this culture that's in crisis. So that's what I'm writing about.

And you're writing both at the same time?

I'm writing both at the same time. They're not due until the middle of the year. The Guinness I'll write a little later and the other I'm writing now.

Can you share some of your observations that came as a result of the release of The Faith of Barack Obama?

It was a very interesting thing. When the press first began to talk about the book before it was even released, I had some very violent and angry reactions from those on the right, the political right. I even had some death threats. Of course, nobody had read the book yet, they were all speculating, but since I'd written The Faith of George W. Bush, they figured I'd turned tail and gone the opposite direction. When the book came out, it was cited by both sides of the aisle as an objective treatment. If you read the book, you'll conclude Obama is not an evangelical, that he's got some liberal version of Christianity and you'll still be mad at him if you want to be.

The two most intriguing things that came to me was – number one, the surprise of the mainstream media that an evangelical could write an objective book about religion. They constantly expressed that perspective: 'Wow, I know you're not going to vote for him but thanks for just trying to telling the truth about him.' It's not just that they were complimenting me but I think they think Evangelicalism is a brain bypass and we can't just think rational thoughts in the real world without coming at it with what they perceive to be our bias.

The second thing to me was the anger in the church about politics and the government. Rush Limbaugh is a friend of mine. I like him, but he's entertainment. He's not really modeling for us the Christian perspective on politics, that we should be angry, attacking these people, that we should be speaking of liberals as though they are the Antichrist. One of the things that amazed me is how much anger and rage there is in the church about politics and, of course, Obama. While I'm not an Obama supporter, whatever your response is to be should be based on Scripture to any politician. You certainly are not supposed to hate them, rage against them and tell nasty jokes about them, that sort of thing. I ran into that time and time again. Those things surprised me and it was a real interesting 4-5 months to be at the forefront of that.

Another interesting thing is that I've done a lot of U.S. Media, but the amount of media I've done internationally is unbelievable because they're not used to talking about their politicians from a faith perspective. Obama has been so forthcoming about his faith that it forces the BBC, the Chilean paper or the French magazines to deal with his faith, because he's so upfront about it. I've done a lot of interviews where I had to get an interpreter on the line so we could do the interview. France, African countries, South American countries, Asian countries. I've probably done 7-8 BBC interviews now. That's astonishing. I did a lot with Bush but I think it was 3-4. I just think that Obama is forcing normally secular media in other countries to talk about this issue.

Did you have reaction from the Obama campaign?

Yes, they actually were in contact with me. They were grateful that I tried to do an objective job. Obviously they didn't like everything but then, the Bush family didn't like everything I said in The Faith of George W. Bush and that means I'm doing the right thing. In fact, the day I knew I had hit the mark with the Bush book is when Al Jazeera and the Bush family cited the book on the same day. That's when I knew I had nailed it and that's how it was with the Obama book. They thanked me for it, they actually put it on their website as the book to tell the truth about Obama's faith. When they put it on the site, they specifically said 'Mansfield is not an Obama supporter but he's told the truth.' That, to me, is a real compliment. That's what I want to accomplish.

How did the idea come about? Did you propose it?

We had been dancing around, looking for some vehicle. I had proposed a book on faith in that election because I could see the storm clouds gathering and it was going to be a very faith-based election. They said 'why don't we just do it on Obama?' I had actually thought of that but didn't think they would go for it quite frankly. I knew I could write an objective book about Obama's faith and we would still land in a solidly good Christian analysis of his faith but I didn't think they would want to do it. I was thrilled. So we did it. His story is really the best prism at which to look at faith and the culture and the election.

But faith in politics isn't going away anytime soon?

No, I think what this election has taught us that faith is forefront and politicians who are going to win national office and in some cases local office are going to have to be more articulate about these things. The likelihood is for example that McCain is the conservative evangelical but he so offended evangelicals in his approach to things that Obama won a larger percentage of evangelicals than anyone guessed. It's not just who you are but how you handle it.

The fact is McCain is probably closer to the average evangelical in America than Obama but his campaign and he so mishandled the “faith vote” that it didn't much matter, Obama won the day. For example, he went out and sought Rod Parsley and John Hagee's endorsement and within a matter of days rejected those endorsements. That's not good staff work. That doesn't make folks happy. That's embarrassing to these guys and puts a bad taste in their mouths. Of course, there's James Dobson, the last of the religious right lions and he did more attacking than he did endorsing. That may have been justified. I'm just saying the inability of the conservative candidate to capture the evangelical vote is one of the stories of this election.
Collins Uses Blog to Rescue Family Print Email
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Thursday, 05 February 2009 10:07 AM America/New_York
Suspense writer Brandilyn Collins (Dark Pursuit) frequently uses her Web site Forensics & Faith ( to give advice and mentor up-and-coming writers, but recently she came to the rescue of one aspiring writer in a more tangible way.
Collins became aware that financial hardships had hit her longtime reader, Liz Hughes, and Liz's daughter, Katy. When the mother and daughter became homeless, Katy began a blog of their experiences (, and Collins in turn turned to her blog readers and Twitter social networking followers to help spread the word and give. Soon, others joined while the duo appeared on local NBC and ABC stations as well as CNN.
“Katy and Liz have captured the hearts of many because they've put a face on the plight of homeless families,” Collins wrote on her blog
The mother and daughter are now settled into a furnished apartment and people are still helping, including romance writer Gemma Halliday (Killer In High Heels), who sponsored an online auction on her Web site, and author Rick Acker (Dead Man's Rule), who coached the family on job interviewing techniques.
More information about this story can be found at Collin's website and Katy's site -
Which Ending Do You Choose? Print Email
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Wednesday, 04 February 2009 10:00 AM America/New_York
book coverIt's unusual for readers to be asked to shape the outcome of a novel. But in a new promotion for his upcoming thriller The Justice Game (Tyndale House), suspense writer Randy Singer (By Reason of Insantiy) has left the final verdict open-ended.In a YouTube video, the case is laid out for public view via a fake cable news show and a vote can be cast in favor of one party or the other.

'House' presents a headache Print Email
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Monday, 02 February 2009 05:36 PM America/New_York
Christian retailers have some thinking to do ahead of next month's arrival of the DVD of House, the movie version of the novel by Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti.
Mardel offers 'Bargain Bible' savings Print Email
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Monday, 02 February 2009 11:45 AM America/New_York
Christian Retail Offers for the week of Feb. 2

Mardel Christian Education & Supply's "Bargain Bibles" offer of an additional 25% off already reduced prices sees Zondervan's Archaeological Study Bible on sale for just $18.74, down from the regular price of $49.99. The same promotion reduces the NIV Message Parallel Bible from $36.99 to $19.99.

Mardel also introduces its "February $5 Fiction" sale. Titles available include Blink of an Eye and Showdown by Ted Dekker, and Karen Kingsbury's A Time to Dance. Also on sale for $5 is Eric Wilson's novelization of the movie, Fireproof. The film's tie-in devotional, The Love Dare, is on sale for $11.99 at Family Christian Stores, which is discounting 20% as its Book of the Year.

Family also promotes the countdown for the final days of pre-orders of the new VeggieTales adventure, Abe and the Amazing Promise. On sale for $12.97 instead of the regular $14.99, the new episode is being twinned with a free copy of Gideon: Tuba Warrior, a $29.98 value.

Both Family and LifeWay Christian Stores are promoting the new CompassionArt CD by a group of leading Christian songwriters collaborating to raise money for charity. LifeWay offers the music for $11.49 instead of the regular $14.99, while Family is selling the accompanying soft cover book for $14.99 rather than $19.99.
'Chicken Soup' Celebrates 15 Years, Offers Seconds Print Email
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Monday, 02 February 2009 12:00 AM America/New_York
Chicken SoupHas it really been 15 years since the first Chicken Soup for the Soul book released? I fondly remember getting one from my cousin as a birthday gift and sharing all the stories with my co-workers, including one about a child buying shoes for his ailing mother that would later be encapsulated in the NewSong holiday hit, “The Christmas Shoes.” Tears were, of course, shed.

I imagine many more hearts were tugged, as the series, which is considered the bestselling publishing series in history, has amassed sales of over $1.3 billion and has over 112 million books in print.
"The Shack" by Ted Dekker? Print Email
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Friday, 30 January 2009 12:00 AM America/New_York
BoneMan's Daughters' The Shack
No, it's not The Shack but I'm sure the publisher doesn't mind a comparison, especially since the original design (below) went in a totally different direction. Besides the cover similarities, the latest release from bestselling author Ted Dekker does involve a serial killer. But this foray into the general market (it's being released by Hachette's general market imprint Center Street) revolves around the BoneMan who abducts women looking for the "ultimate daughter." Dekker, who continues to write with Christian publisher Thomas Nelson (most recently the novel Kiss), took an option in his contract for this standalone novel.