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Christian book sales increase Print Email
Written by Eric Tiansay   
Thursday, 30 September 2010 02:45 PM America/New_York

Christian book sales were up 10% in August, according to the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA).

The average rise for the month was found in data from 14 member publishers whose sales information is gathered by the association for reporting to the Association of American Publishers, with 10 seeing a median net increase over the same time last year of 8%. Four companies reported a median drop of 11% for the same period.

Meanwhile, nine publishers reported net sales were up year to date, with a median increase of 12%. Five publishers reported a net sales decrease year to date, down a median 5%. Overall, returns were up nearly 40% month to month, but down year to year by almost 13%.

The ECPA report was drawn from sales data from Concordia Publishing House, Crossway, David C. Cook, Foundation Publications, Gospel Light, Harvest House Publishers, InterVarsity Press, Kregel Publishers, Moody Publishers, NavPress, Rose Publishing, Thomas Nelson, Tyndale House Publishers and Wesleyan Publishing House.