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‘New beginning’ for Harrison House Print Email
Written by Eric Tiansay   
Thursday, 30 April 2009 02:50 PM America/New_York
altSix months after filing voluntary bankruptcy, Harrison House Publishers has announced "a new beginning" for the Tulsa, Okla.-based company.

The company said it has "joined operations" with Press Group, a business in the city that handles printing and direct marketing for Christian ministries. Harrison House officials declined to give further details.

Keith Provance, Harrison House CEO, will continue to head editorial, marketing and production. He said in a statement: "We are excited about our future and we remain committed to the original Harrison House vision 'to proclaim the truth and the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the printed page, challenging Christians to know God intimately, grow spiritually and live victoriously.'

"The financial stability that we have gained, coupled with our vision and experience in Christian publishing, will be a very strong partnership."

Founded in 1975 and known for its charismatic publishing emphasis, Harrison House filed a voluntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition in October. Provance said then that the process was intended to "improve our capital structure and align it with the size of our current business operations."