Christian Retailing

Nifty 50 Print Email
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Wednesday, 26 September 2012 10:52 AM America/New_York

Nifty 50 logoHonoring the top movers and shakers in the children’s market

The team at Christian Retailing is honoring the movers and shakers in the children’s industry, just as we did with the gift marketplace in our inaugural “Nifty 50” list in the June issue. The people, products, companies and sometimes stores noted in these lists are those we deem as “making it happen” in the Christian children’s marketplace.

We polled our readers, scanned the industry and came up with our choices—and we are not saying someone should be ranked first and someone else at No. 50. Everyone just “made the list.”

While we know Nifty 50 is not perfect, in our estimation, everyone on the list is to be commended. Surely we have left some off the list who could’ve been included, but we think you'll agree that most of these are the ones who are leading in this segment of the Christian products industry. We are happy to honor them in this way.

Feel free to offer your feedback on Nifty 50 by sending a letter to the editor to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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