Christian Retailing

INSIGHTS: Value-added VBS Print Email
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Thursday, 02 July 2009 09:09 AM America/New_York
by Chad Showalter

Church bookstores are uniquely positioned to take advantage of outreach events like Vacation Bible School (VBS) and the increased foot traffic it brings to the church bookstore. Consider:

Is your store open during VBS hours? Many church bookstores don't keep regular hours, especially when VBS may take place. Make sure your store is open at the end of each day's VBS, when parents are picking up their children. Position your VBS product, promotions, posters, etc. near the front of the store so passers-by can quickly see you are selling VBS material.

If your church's VBS doesn't take place near your store's location, create a satellite store where parents pick up their children after each session. Making it easy for parents to find you is a great way to improve sales.

Offer products at different price levels. Kids and families have varying amounts of expendable income, and by offering products at different prices everyone who wants to take something home from your store will be able to. VBS publishers often provide ancillary items at different price levels, but often items can be found at local party stores who specialize in themed items.

Invite parents to a workshop where they are given a brief overview of the VBS curriculum, what stories kids will learn. Provide promotional pricing on other products in your store that relate to the VBS curriculum. For example, if kids study the story of Esther during VBS, offer promotional pricing on VeggieTales: Esther the Girl Who Became Queen for kids.

Create a flier or promotional coupon that can be sent home with kids to their parents. A flier showing all VBS products available in your store is a great way to let parents know what's available. Consider offering a coupon or a redemption certificate for a free gift when they visit.

- Chad Showalter is former senior marketing manager for Standard Publishing. Read the complete article at