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Open Munce show offers encouragement and ideas Print Email
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Friday, 04 March 2011 11:39 AM America/New_York

OpenMunceStores urged to hang in and change up as market continues to alter, group launches children’s focus



Retailers attending Munce Group’s CPE (Christian Product Expo) in Hershey, Pa., held Jan 16-18, were not just given ideas and tools for staying the course in an increasingly tough business climate, but cheered on for doing so.

Representatives of the 130-odd stores registered for the event—open to non-members of the marketing group—were challenged to press on in inspirational addresses by the event’s two keynote speakers.

Addressing the CPE banquet via a live Internet connection after family illness prevented her from traveling, author Anne Graham Lotz acknowledged that many stores were facing hard times, as she spoke about the promise of heaven.

“It may be that you barely squeak by here on earth financially, but you will have an abundant inheritance in heaven because you have been laying up treasures there,” she said.

Earlier, at the pre-show Bible Conference, author Keith Johnson had encouraged attendees who might be facing business challenges to be renewed in their commitment to their ministry.

Drawing lessons from the Gen. 32 account of Jacob’s wrestling with God, the founder of Biblical Foundations Academy traced how Christians may have to move from fear and feeling forsaken to exercising faith and fighting. “They could then ... see God’s favor as others found Him,” he said.

Exhorting retailers to embrace the idea that they were more than simply Christian booksellers, but were “ambassadors of the amazing and heralds of hope,” Johnson asked: “What is the main change that needs to take place inside of you? What is the name that He wants to change inside of you?”

Munce Group President Kirk Blank said that the messages and other ministry at the event—including singer Nicole C. Mullen performing songs from her forthcoming release, Captivated (Word Records/Word Distribution)—had been “a great reminder to stores of their calling” and for them to “be open to how the Lord is leading them to change what they need to to adapt to what is happening in the marketplace.”

Marking its 20th anniversary in 2011, Munce Group has 512 member-stores, nearly 400 of which serve their zip code and five surrounding square miles exclusively, Blank said. “In this crazy economy, what we have found is that our small- to medium-sized stores have been the most consistent and the most steady.”

Among new services for stores highlighted at the show was a new catalog focused on children’s products, offering an alternative to general market school catalogs that included materials some parents might be unhappy about. Following a test run with 20 stores last fall, a catalog featuring around 40 products was to be made available in February, Blank said.

In addition to an exhibition floor with more than 60 suppliers—up from last year—CPE Hershey featured workshops, discussion groups and the premiere screening of Courageous, the follow-up to the hit movie Fireproof, which is due out in theaters at the end of September.

Special guests included musician Michael Card, Amish-fiction writer Cindy Woodsmall and her co-author of Plain Wisdom, Miriam Flaud—a member of an Old Order Amish community.

Eunice Shreffler, owner of the Olive Branch in Clarion, Pa., was at the show to learn about new products from the 60-plus exhibitors and to connect with other retailers. “You get to meet with others who share about their stores,” she said. “We just build each other up. It’s very encouraging.”

Stephen Kozeletz from the Christian Literature Center in East Northport, N.Y., said that the workshops had been very beneficial. “There are a lot of ideas we exchange with each other.” And “we like being able to see the products. A lot of times when you look at it on the computer, it looks great, but it’s not.”