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Nelson's easy-to-read bilingual Bible Print Email
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Monday, 08 December 2008 02:29 PM America/New_York

A bilingual Bible with two columns—the Nueva Biblia al Día (NBD) translation on one side and the New Century Version (NCV) on the other—will launch from Grupo Nelson, Thomas Nelson’s Spanish division, Feb. 3.

Biblia bilingüe NBD (978-1-602-55181-7, $39.99) includes the thought-for-thought Spanish translation of the Bible published by Grupo Nelson in September. The NBD, produced by the International Bible Society, is an updated version of Biblia al Día, published in Spanish in 1979 and based on The Living Bible. The NCV is a revision of the International Children’s Bible, completed in 1991.

“This is the first easy-to-read bilingual Bible—great for ministry and for people learning a second language,” Sam Rodríguez, associate publisher of Grupo Nelson, told Christian Retailing. “It’s also the only bilingual Bible out there that has a bilingual concordance.”


Rodríguez said the translation was especially appealing to Spanish speakers who have never read a Bible before. He conducted a number of focus groups “where I read portions out loud of other Bible versions in Spanish, and then I read the NBD,” he said. “I was surprised at the reaction as people said they’d buy this new translation for themselves.”

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