Harvest House author featured in blog tour Print
Wednesday, 15 October 2008 08:00 PM America/New_York

Harvest House Publishers author and filmmaker Craig Detweiler's A Purple State of Mind was to be featured yesterday in a blog tour at Non-Fiction in Rather Short Takes (Non-FIRST, nonfictioninrathershorttakes.blogspot.com).

In the book—released July 1—Detweiler shares how it is better to be a "purple" Christian—a follower of Christ who is able to find middle ground, not compromise but converse. Detweiler's documentary, also called A Purple State of Mind, explores the clash between the secular world and Christendom.

"I'm concerned about the divisiveness that I see tearing our country apart," Detweiler said. "But I'm even more concerned that we are surrounded by people who are not hearing the gospel message of hope and salvation because we are so barricaded off from one another by peripheral things."

A Purple State of Mind is another title from the Harvest House's "ConversantLife" line of culturally relevant books. Other ConversantLife books, www.conversantlife.com, include The God Question by J.P. Moreland, Apologetics for a New Generation by Sean McDowell and Death by Church by Mike Erre—all to be released early next year.