GENI: An anniversary worth celebrating Print
Written by Staff   
Thursday, 28 May 2009 09:36 AM America/New_York
A message from Geni Hulsey, president of the Church Bookstore Network:

"Happy Anniversary to you, happy anniversary to you, happy anniversary dear The Church Bookstore magazine, happy anniversary to you!"

Be glad you are reading the words and not hearing me sing ... but I can hardly believe it has been four years since the very first issue of the The Church Bookstore magazine was published. We have been so blessed to have this magazine. I know that you, as managers and workers in church bookstores, have found it beneficial because you have told me so.

From the beginning it has been written by those who know church bookstores best-those who work in the stores and those who have products and services appropriate for church stores. They have given freely of their time to help educate and equip the rest of us to do our jobs better. Many of them have given time, product and expertise without cost.

It is not new news that retail is changing, and that includes the advertising methods that vendors use to communicate about their products. Many newspapers in this country have gone the way of the buggy whip-not for lack of news, but for lack of advertising. Each publisher and gift vendor is looking hard at the venues in which they choose to publicize their products. Our magazine is totally supported by these advertisers.

Now is the time when we, as consumers of The Church Bookstore magazine, need to show our appreciation for all that the publisher, Strang Communications, and our advertisers have done for us.

How can we best let them know how much we enjoy our magazine and want it to continue?

I think we should send a thank-you note, just as we would for any gift we receive. Will you take five minutes, right now, and send a note expressing your appreciation for The Church Bookstore magazine? Mention the parts that have benefited and encouraged you. Be sure to tell about the products that have made a difference in your store.

It doesn't have to be long-or eloquent-just do it! We need to hear from you soon. Let's make this anniversary celebration filled with gratitude and joy and great hope for the future.

Send your notes to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Let's have an anniversary celebration that says we love and appreciate our magazine and all that it has meant to us.