CHURCH LIFE: Holy Spirit--holey thinking Print
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Thursday, 28 May 2009 09:17 AM America/New_York

While churches across the country celebrate Pentecost Sunday this weekend (May 31), many of those likely to be attending don't hold a biblical view of the Holy Spirit.

Almost 60% of self-described Christians told Barna Group researchers that they strongly agreed or agreed that the Holy Spirit was only "a symbol of God's power or presence but is not a living entity." Just one third of poll respondents disagreed that the Holy Spirit was not a living force.

Similarly muddy beliefs were found related to other cores of Christian faith. Forty percent of Christians strongly agreed that Satan was "not a living being but a symbol of evil," while a further 20% somewhat agreed with the position. More than 22% strongly agreed that Jesus had sinned when He lived on earth.

When the Barna study separated out respondents it identified as being "born again" Christians, based on their answers to views about salvation, the smaller group was three times more likely than "notional Christians" to strongly disagree that the Holy Spirit was just symbol of God's presence.

To see the full report, go to

Source: The Barna Group