Sunday, 13 February 2005 07:00 PM America/New_York

Tommy Nelson has launched The Hermie & Friends Total Bedroom Makeover sweepstakes with prizes tailored for young fans of the "Max Lucado's Hermie & Friends" series of books and videos.

The contest was announced this month about the same time as the release of the next video in the series, Buzby: The Misbehaving Bee.

The publisher will award one grand prize winner a complete children's bedroom makeover using products from the popular children's series. The bedroom transformation will include new furniture, paint, toys and wall graphics-all with a total value of $4,000. The contest ends May 31. For more information on the makeover sweepstakes, visit

The launch of the new contest follows closely on the heels of Tommy Nelson's announcement of the winner of the first Hermie & Friends sweepstakes, the VW Drive- Away Sweepstakes. Larry Reed of Seymour, Ind., won a random drawing from more than 40,000 entries and received a 2005 Volkswagen Beetle.