InterVarsity Press to serve as Renovaré primary fulfillment partner Print
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Friday, 01 November 2013 02:38 PM America/New_York

Renovare-webInterVarsity Press (IVP) will serve as Renovaré's primary fulfillment partner, effective Nov. 1. Founded in 1988 by Celebration of Discipline author Richard J. Foster, Renovaré (a Latin word meaning "to renew") is an organization that promotes personal and spiritual renewal.

"More than 25 years ago Renovaré began making Protestants aware of the forgotten riches from church history that unfold the tradition of Christian formation," said Cindy Bunch, IVP's associate editorial director and Formatio line editor. "Flowing out of Richard Foster's best-selling book Celebration of Discipline, this ministry has brought a deep renewal of spiritual practices into our lives and our churches."

IVP and Renovaré already have worked together for several years, so this move is an expansion of that partnership. The growth of IVP's spiritual formation line of books, Formatio, has included cobranded Renovaré resources such as “The Apprentice” series by Renovaré  cofounder James Bryan Smith; The Life of the Body by Valerie Hess and Lane Arnold; and Longing for God and Sanctuary of the Soul, both by Foster. The two organizations also have worked together on conferences in the past.

"Renovaré has enjoyed a shared heart for ministry with InterVarsity Press for many years," said Rachel Quan, executive director forRenovaré. "Much of Renovaré's work can be found in our books—the resources we produce and use as we share with people about Christian spiritual formation. And many of those books have been developed alongside IVP, so it was a natural fit for us to partner with them when we began to look for someone who could become our book fulfillment center.”

Quan said customers “won't notice any difference” when ordering, and orders still help to support the ministry of Renovaré.

“Our partnership with IVP offers more opportunities to do some special projects together as new books are released—something that our bookstore customers will enjoy and benefit from,” Quan added.

Renovaré will continue to operate its web store, but orders will now be processed and fulfilled by IVP. The publisher also will serve as the official bookstore at the Renovaré national event in Houston in April 2014.