Publishers launch new book imprints Print
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Monday, 12 March 2012 11:01 AM America/New_York

The Christian market has seen an influx of new book imprints of late, with new entries from Charisma House, Hachette Book Group, B&H Publishing Group and Regular Baptist Press.

Charisma House, the charismatic/Pentecostal publisher that also owns Christian Retailing, recently launched Passio. Aiming to reach contemporary-minded believers with books, e-books and other forms of media, the imprint will target readers who are passionate about their faith and missional living, covering topics such as revival, a deeper relationship with God and authentic faith.

“The Passio imprint is the culmination of Charisma House’s core values and our desire to reach consumers who are spiritually hungry, motivated to bring change in their sphere of influence and desire innovative Christ-centered content that ignites faith and deeper spiritual passion,” said Tessie DeVore, executive vice president of Charisma House Book Group.

Although the company is already publishing such books, DeVore said it made strategic sense to create a new book line. The first title, Viral Jesus by house church planter Ross Rohde, explores how Western Christians can return to their roots as an explosive viral movement and once again enjoy the excitement, simple spirituality and explosive growth of early Christianity.

Additional titles slated to release in 2012 include: Upended by Jedd Medefind and Erik Lokkesmoe, Enjoying God by S. J. Hill and Midnight in Aisle Seven by Jay Lowder.

Elsewhere, Hachette Book Group has introduced Jericho Books. The first three titles under the new imprint will publish in the fall, starting with Brian McLaren’s Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and Mohammed Cross the Road? Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World (September). In it, McLaren seeks to put an end to interfaith conflict and evaluates the core tenants of the faith.

The mission of Jericho Books is to “seek innovative authors who reflect a growing change in the church,” the publisher said. The imprint’s nontraditional voices will “provide an avenue for those exploring political, social and controversial issues as they relate to faith.”

“I am delighted to be able to work alongside authors who are speaking hope and healing to those in the church who may have been wounded or feel like they don't fit the traditional model,” said Wendy Grisham, publisher and vice president for Jericho Books.

In October, Jericho Books will publish Selling Water by the River: A Book About the Life Jesus Promised and the Religion that Gets in the Way. Author Shane Hipps, teaching pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., seeks to separate the reality of Jesus from the religion that bears His name. He deconstructs religion to reveal how Jesus taught that the heaven we long for isn’t just a gift for us when we die, but a gift while we live.

Other publishers that have recently launched new imprints are B&H Publishing Group and Regular Baptist Press. B&H started B&H Depth with Gospel by J.D. Greear as the first book in the imprint, and Regular Baptist Press launched its Regular Baptist Books imprint.