Dobson recovering from horseback-riding fall Print
Written by Eric Tiansay   
Tuesday, 13 September 2011 09:58 AM America/New_York
Focus on the Family founder and best-selling author James Dobson is recovering from a fall while horseback riding in Montana on Sept. 10.

Dobson broke several bones, according to his successor at Focus and the nonprofit organization's president, Jim Daly. In his blog, Daly wrote that Dobson, 74, was "in good spirits and expected to make a full recovery."

Dobson founded Focus in 1977, resigning in 2009 so that the ministry could be passed on to the next generation of leaders. In 2010, Dobson—along with his son, Ryan—launched his new radio program, "Family Talk."

Dobson's fall caused a fractured and fractured scapula, as well as several broken ribs, according to a "Family Talk" press release. "His condition is stable, and his spirits are good at this early stage in his recovery," said his daughter, Danae Dobson. "Hospital tests revealed there is no internal bleeding or other complications."

Dobson was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2002. Dobson also experienced a major stroke in 1998, making it hard for him to speak and articulate words during recovery. In 1990, he suffered a heart attack after one of his tri-weekly basketball games, which forced him to give up the sport.

Dobson's books include The New Strong-Willed Child, Family Man, Bringing Up Girls and Bringing Up Boys (all Tyndale House Publishers).