Christian T-shirts help 'Great Commission' Print
Written by Eric Tiansay   
Thursday, 19 March 2009 02:41 PM America/New_York

A nationwide survey conducted by Berryville, Ark.-based apparel company Kerusso has revealed why many Christians wear faith-based T-shirts.

According to the company's 2009 Christian Apparel Faith & Motivational Research Report, 98% of respondents said they desired the message on their Christian T-shirts to be noticed by unbelievers, and 56.8% of Christians wearing faith-themed apparel had an unbeliever ask about the message on their garment.

Kerusso CEO and President Vic Kennett said the research's findings showed "what we've thought for more than two decades: Christian T-shirts help people do the Great Commission in their community. ... Impressions magazine said the average T-shirt may be read as many as 3,000 times before it's thrown away."

The study of 395 respondents also revealed that 7.4% of unbelievers had made a decision to receive Christ immediately from a faith-apparel discussion. Additionally, 44% of wearers shared their faith with unbelievers and gave them the opportunity to receive Christ.

"As a result of this study, Kerusso is launching the pre-Easter 'Change Your Shirt! Change the World' campaign to encourage Christians to put on a Christian-message T-shirt and share their faith," said Kennett, noting that participants are encouraged to post their experience on Kerusso's Web site.