ONLINE EXTRA: Close Up: Francis Chan Print
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Monday, 01 October 2012 03:32 PM America/New_York

Best-selling author Francis Chan continues his interview on new book Multiply (David C Cook).

How can the everyday Christian get to the point where disciple-making is normal in his/her life? When the Holy Spirit enters a person, there should be some pretty serious life change. There should be a difference between a person who is dead in their trespasses and sins and a person who now has the Spirit of Him who raised Christ from the dead dwelling in them. He or she should have some desire to tell others about the new love in their lives and a desire for loved ones to escape His wrath. It seems like these would be natural desires for the person with a new nature. I believe that as we are making disciples, we’re really going to experience the presence of Christ with us in a fuller way and a real, tangible way. That’s why He gave us the Holy Spirit. He says, “I’m going to give you this Holy Spirit, and when He comes, you’re going to receive power to be my witnesses.” What does it mean to follow Jesus, surrender completely, and make disciples? It requires saying, “Holy Spirit, what would You like me to say today? What would You like me to do right now? I’ve surrendered to You. I’ve died to myself and I want to follow You.”

Disciple-making is not something Christians should do in isolation, is it? No. Right now in San Francisco I’m gathering with a few guys every morning to study the Word and then go share the gospel door-to-door—and it’s hard. But I’m trying to think how many times in my whole Christian life I had other believers pray for my courage and my boldness to go out and share with other people. Up until this last year, I think I could count the times that’s happened on one hand. Then we wonder, “Why am I so insecure? Why am I so afraid? Do I really believe that prayer and gathering believers together to pray over me is actually going to change something? It’s been awesome to have like-minded people in the room, encouraging one another, “Come on, let’s do this. Don’t be afraid.” We share our discouragements from the day before, pray together, study, worship. I need to be reminded to love others and to be bold. I’ve got to be reminded of who I am, that I’m forgiven, you know? We each need people to do that for us. As we pray for each other in the boldness area, I see that prayer answered. And I see it happen as we go out. There are days where it’s like, “Let’s talk to anyone,” and that’s not normal for me. That’s not something I can’t muster up.