Vampire fiction: Clever crossover or cash-in compromise? Print
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Thursday, 22 October 2009 02:45 PM America/New_York

Our Sept. 21 article "Vampire titles a new vein in Christian bookstores" generated a lot of response, mostly on our Web site and Facebook fan page. Here's a sampling of what people had to say:


"Christian bookstores and Christian authors are just trying to get a piece of the currently popular vampire trade. If this is the kind of fiction I will find in Christian bookstores, I—and I would venture to guess, many others—will stop frequenting them and take our trade to Barnes & Noble or Borders or the like. At least with them, they do not claim to be representatives of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!"

—Bill Kilchenstein


"I have read two of the four books mentioned in the article and can say that both of the authors did exactly what Jesus followers are made to do: reclaim and redeem creation, which includes storytelling. Not a shred of Satan glorification can be found in either book."

—Kevin Kaiser


"Should we toss out 'The Chronicles of Narnia' because Lewis uses mythological creatures and beings in the books? They are no more real than vampires and just as evil if you look at it on the surface."

—Shaun Estey


"My students are reading Twilight and similar books. That's fact. Are we to hide our heads in the sand, or can we offer these students an alternative with a Christian worldview? We engage readers where they are, but we do so with a message of hope and peace found in Christ. That's what Paul did."



"The Bible has many stories of beings much worse than vampires, and I'm thinking the stories in the Bible aren't fiction."

—Jim Seybert


"The Christian market has to stay open-minded, and bookstore buyers should read the books first before making a judgment call. Many are drawn to the supernatural and more than often books are showing the romanticism and the lure of darkness. The Christians should use books such as Thirsty and the others listed to show how God is the redeemer."
