Book Reviews CR May 2010 Print
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Monday, 05 April 2010 09:07 AM America/New_York


Radical-DiscipleThe Radical Disciple

John Stott

IVP Books (InterVarsity Press)

hardcover, 144 pages, $15


Christian Living


Stott, an elder statesman of evangelical Christianity, delivers what will most likely be his last book in The Radical Disciple: Some Neglected Aspects of Our Calling. The book, culled from a recent speech given by the 88-year-old minister, presents a back-to-basics approach to what it means to be disciple of Christ.

Stott presents eight characteristics of discipleship—nonconformity, Christ-likeness, maturity, creation care, simplicity, balance, dependence and, finally, death, which symbolizes finishing well and dying to self. He uses the book’s final chapters to acknowledge his own frailty and impending passing while presenting lessons of faith. He even ends the book with a personal message to readers about the future of publishing and a final “farewell!”

There’s a weightiness when someone offers final words, and with a respected theologian such as Stott, his final rallying cry to younger generations is inspiring. The Radical Disciple offers a spiritual diagnostic for all believers.

—DeWayne Hamby