Cynthia Ruchti offers word of hope at Munce vendor breakfast Print
Written by Ginny McCabe   
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 12:52 PM America/New_York

CynthiaRuchti-Munce-McCabeBest-selling author and speaker Cynthia Ruchti offered a hope-filled message during the Munce Group’s annual vendor breakfast at the Orlando, Florida event Monday morning. 

Kirk Blank, president of Munce Group introduced Ruchti.

"I want to introduce you to a real blessing in my life," he said. "I met Cynthia Ruchti probably two or three years ago. When I met her, I immediately had a connection with her. Cynthia has been a rock for me personally, and she’s always a real encouragement. Cynthia tells stories that are hemmed in hope, and she is a noted speaker.”

Storytelling is at the heart of her message. Ruchti is the author of more than 15 fiction and nonfiction books, including her latest release, As Waters Gone By. She frequently speaks at women’s events and retreats, as well as writers’ events. She has been honored with a number of awards and accolades, including RT Reviewers’ Choice, Christian Retailing's Best awards and ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year honors.

As part of the morning’s breakfast gathering Ruchti offered a thoughtful devotional based on Mark 9:14-27.

“Can you imagine watching your son on such a suicidal path, while he would throw himself into a fire or whatever he would do to bring himself self-harm? And that was in response to the internal anguish that was in his heart,” Ruchti said.

Yet, in the middle of all of it, Jesus knew exactly what he needed, she said, Jesus invited the man to bring his son.

“The father said (to Jesus), ‘If you can do anything, help us, show us compassion.’ Please don’t miss the artistry of that, I missed it for so many years,” Ruchti urged.

God’s invitation to man encompasses the whole family, touching sometimes a whole community, she continued.

During a brief presentation following Ruchti’s devotional, Blank touched on a few important facets of the Munce Group. Before he started, Blank said he wanted to address the ‘elephant in the room.”

“It’s something that’s very different this year versus last year," Blank said. "The industry is completely changing, sometimes moment by moment. When we were in Atlanta last year, there were more people in that room. Family’s announcement this past February really rocked this industry. It has rocked it in a way we haven’t seen before.”

Blank said he has worked for Bob Munce for 15 years, and prior to that, he worked for Family Christian Stores for 11 years.

“Much of what I’ve learned today I’ve learned from some amazing men and women at that organization,” he said.

I look around this room, and I see faces that aren’t here that were here last year, so this has had a tremendous impact on our industry, Blank said.

"This morning, I want you to know we are truly praying for you," he said. "This morning is not about what has happened in the past, but it is actually about looking forward, the opportunities and we want to see your business grow.

In light of the recent changes, Munce stores were asked to “step it up by reaching out to their customers in bigger ways such as by mailing out catalogs or renting mailing lists.

“When it comes to stores, we offer value, service and community,” Blank stressed.

In terms of other initiatives, Blank said the Munce Group continues to look for creative ways to build awareness of Christian products and how to drive new consumers into the store.

The MTL or ‘More To Life’ brand was an example he cited. The MTL print magazine will launch at the end of August. With five issues per year, it will be in print and digital formats and will have retail distribution through the Munce Group and subscriber distribution

“Several years ago, we started the MTL brand and it is growing. I wanted to tell you something exciting. After much demand, we are going to launch a print magazine again,” Blank said.

The Munce Group also is launching a cruise next April. Authors taking part include Cynthia Ruchti, Carol Kent and Kathi Lipp, and there will be music from Meredith Andrews. 

Bob Canny, channel development director, Group Publishing said he wanted to attend the breakfast event to meet new people and to find out about the latest initiatives at the Munce Group.

“I’m in a new position, and this was a great opportunity for me to connect with those that I haven’t met before,” Canny said. “I always like to find out about the latest and greatest endeavors at the Munce Group.”

“I’m always interested in what Munce has to say about the market, their business and how they are serving the industry,” remarked Doug Lockhart, senior vice president, Bible marketing and outreach at HarperCollins Christian Publishing. “We are interested in Munce as a partner, and will continue to want to know where they are headed and where their direction is so that we can come alongside of them and support their efforts in how they support the Christian bookstore market,” he said.