Man arrested at Houston’s Lakewood Church Store Print
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Thursday, 04 September 2014 04:56 PM America/New_York

LakewoodChurchStore-GechmePRA man was taken into custody Thursday morning, Aug. 28, after causing a ruckus inside the Lakewood Church bookstore, according to CBS affiliate KHOU in Houston.

Michael David Fletcher, 30, walked into the store and started knocking books off the shelves, throwing books and overturning display stands. While doing so, he referred to Matthew 21:12, the scripture about Jesus overturning the tables of money changers in the Temple.

Security personnel escorted the man out of the store and held him down when he attempted to return. Police took Fletcher into custody and said he will likely face a charge of criminal mischief.

No one was injured in the incident.

“The guy shows up and starts throwing books around and kicking stuff over,” said Lakewood spokesperson Don Iloff. “Fortunately we have police officers on the premises almost all the time. He was quickly subdued.”

Store Manager Ted Terry declined comment on the incident.