'Service first' stores win fans Print
Written by Eric Tiansay   
Monday, 20 September 2010 03:27 PM America/New_York
A "service first" emphasis is bearing fruit for stores reaching out beyond their four walls to their community.

Though efforts such as providing hospitality tents at festivals and fundraising for pro-life ministries and health clinics are not gimmicks to increase traffic, they have helped the businesses by raising their local profile and generating goodwill-and in some cases led to more sales.

Among ways the retailers have sought to connect with their communities--and not just gimmicks to increase traffic to their stores--are providing hospitality tents at festivals, fundraising for pro-life ministries and health clinics, placing customer photos in the store's front windows, partnering with local businesses in cross-promotions and hosting a biker's wedding.

"Community outreach and ministry is definitely a key differentiator when considering a local Christian store versus general market competitors," CBA Executive Director Curtis Riskey told Christian Retailing.

Among the retailers recognized for impacting their community are Paul and Sue Kuntz, managers of Arrowhead Parable Christian Store in Johnson City, N.Y.-who won the CBA Spirit of Excellence Award in the Community Outreach & Ministry category at June's International Christian Retail Show (ICRS) in St. Louis.

Parable Franchise Coach John Strifler said the Kuntzes have "consistently displayed a heart of ministry" for their community throughout the years. "Community outreach displays our heart and passion," Strifler told Christian Retailing.

Dwayne and Lisa Phillips, managers of Dalton's Christian Bookstore in Franklin, N.C., were also recognized at ICRS for excellence in innovation. Besides partnering with local businesses in cross-promotions and taking part in Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child program as Arrowhead does, Dalton's collects food for a local food pantry and helps raise money for a Christian medical center and crisis pregnancy center.

Read the full report in the October issue of Christian Retailing magazine.