New logo marks recommitment to Christian retail Print
Written by Christine D. Johnson   
Tuesday, 29 June 2010 12:31 PM America/New_York

Distributor Spring Arbor (SA) has followed the announcement of its renewed commitment to Christian retailers by turning over a new leaf.

The company has unveiled a new logo as it talks with retailers about service changes that include broadening inventory to offer communion ware and family-friendly DVDs.

The new look for SA is a single green leaf alongside the name, replacing the former triangular tree that formed part of the initials SA. The designers said that the new logo was intended to illustrate how spreading the Word of God begins with one person's mission as an author, bookstore owner, pastor, publishing company owner or musician.

Though the new logo is exciting, it is "just a small representation of all that we are doing," said Skip Prichard,

president and CEO of SA parent company Ingram Content Group.

Though the reorganized company would look to provide Christian content to other channels that wanted it, Christian retailers remained "the primary place in the community where Christians can gather to find their content," he said.

"They are the purveyors and selectors of great content, and you are never going to have a large secular bookstore that can match their passion and expertise in Christian content, but that does not mean you should think therefore they shouldn't carry any Bibles in that store," added Prichard, who said that he shared a personal passion for the Christian products world.

"For Christian retailers, to have the ability to remain relevant is their biggest challenge, and any way we can help participate in making them more relevant, we are delighted to enter into those discussions."