Zondervan book sparks ‘offensive’ complaint Print
Written by Eric Tiansay   
Monday, 09 November 2009 03:21 PM America/New_York
Deadly Viper Character Assassins: A Kung Fu Survival Guide for Life and Leadership by Mike Foster and Jud Wilhite (Zondervan) has been criticized for promoting an "offensive" stereotype against Asians. Released Oct. 1, the leadership book's design and promotion features ninjas and Chinese symbols.

On his blog, Soong-Chan Rah--author and associate professor of church growth and evangelism at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago--called the authors and publisher to task for "pimping out" Asian culture in order to sell books. Rah detailed his concerns and correspondence with the authors and publisher on the blog, culminating with the recount of a Nov. 4 conference call with the authors--where the writers apologized and agreed to remove online videos related to the book.

"I am thankful for the authors' genuine remorse for the ways that many in the body of Christ were wounded," Rah wrote. "The telephone conversation should pave the way for further dialogue and ways to remedy what has been a source of great pain to many, but specifically to the Asian-American community."

Others on Rah's blog also criticized the design and promotion of Deadly Viper Character Assassins. "We deeply offended some members of the Asian-American community who feel like we hijacked their culture for our purposes," Foster and Wilhite wrote on Soong-Chan's blog in response to complaints. "We sincerely apologize for this and want to take steps to listen and respond to concerns."

Zondervan has not officially commented on the controversy. Foster, the founder of XXXchurch.com, is the author of Questions You Can't Ask Your Mama About Sex (Zondervan). Wilhite wrote That Crazy Little Thing Called Love: The Soundtrack of Marriage, Sex, and Faith (Standard Publishing).